
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Josh J.'s Integer Scribe Post

By: Josh Joseph 

Well, In class today we practiced doing Integers once again. All though we did not have a Gr. 7 review just like last class. We were introduced to the real or non redundant way of performing the art of integers. Mr. Harbeck first gave us 3 questions at the beginning of class, which all had some sort of uniqueness withing each question. Let's examine each question.




Let's first examine the first question. It shows most of the basic things in a normal Gr. 7 integer question but one of the digits are missing a symbol to show whether it is a negative or positive number. Why is that? Well, in class it was told that positive numbers didn't need a positive sign to show it was a positive number. Now the second question. We notice that one of the numbers don't have it's brackets or in other words, "Training Wheels". In class it was also told that you don't require brackets because they only serve to not make you confused between numbers. Now the last question. The last question is a very odd question if compared to what we got last year from Mrs. Boughton's room. The last question has no brackets on either numbers, and the positive number has no sign to show it's positive. In reality, this is basically the last two questions combined. Meaning that you should know why the numbers don't have brackets or a symbol (only applied to positive numbers).  Now all these questions are right don't get me wrong, but all are different in a way.

Training Wheels (Gr. 7)

One Training Wheel 

No Training Wheels Congratulations on learning how to ride a bike >:)     (Gr. 8)
or to be more advanced you can get questions like this

In Class Mr. Harbeck explained what these were. You should already know what to expect from the first two, but on the last question, try not to get confused. Without training wheels or standard form is the way you will be doing integers this year so good luck! Also watch out for the questions without the addition symbol. remember that numbers without a symbol are positive!

Wait! What about the Language Arts ver. ??? Well to perform this in the LA form you must not include the "and" in the formula. Meaning that it would seem to look like this

owe 9 "    " have 7=owe 2

Notice how I didn't add the "and" in the formula!

Now For practice questions! Don't worry I shall guide you all along the way! (Actually I'm not going to guide you so just scroll back up if you get stuck)

1. 22+18=

2. (-20)+(-1)=

3. 16+(-13)=

4. -7+7=

5. (-9)5=

6.  -7+-6=

7. 7+(-4)=

8.  (6)+(-2)=

9. -6+3=

10. 6-9=

Congratulations for reading this far into the "BOOK" or what basically Mr. Harbeck doesn't want but at least I went very "In Depth"  in this blog post. Now, please enjoy the video

Please note to only pay attention to the steps in yellow and light blue. YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS TO EVEN FIND SOMETHING CLOSE TO WHAT WE'RE LEARNING TODAY!!!!?!?!?!


  1. I really like how you described how to combine two integers without brackets. I understand how to do this concept completely. One thing you can add to this post to make it better was to show visuals. Add in tiles or a number line to a few of your questions. I liked the video too. Amazing work as always.

  2. I like how you were so detailed Josh! The usual. This post was described well but it could've been more simple and straight to the point. Otherwise, great job! :)

  3. I like your details in explaining how to combine integers without brackets, i really get what you're saying and it's well written. Although detail is good you can possibly simplify and explain it also in a photo. Don't get me wrong, you're definition of combining integers is spot on, but maybe it doesn't need to be so long. Don't be like me writing a novel all the time! :) But great job!


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