
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Ainsley's Integer Scribe Post

This part of the post will show you how I understand how to subtract integers with brackets.

Step One: You write out the question: 7-(-9) = 

Step Two: You have to rewrite it using words such as owe, have, remove, & and.
Note: Owe means it's a negative number and have means it's a positive number.
Answer:  have 7 remove owe 9

Step Three: You model it in integer tiles to help show that you understand or to help you get the answer.
7- (-9) =  + + + + + + +    - - - - - - - - - 
After that, you have to make zero pairs so first you match the negatives (owes) with positives.

7- (-9)=  + + + + + + +     - - - - - - - - - 
                                        + + + + + + + + +       (pretend they're the same size)

Then, you removes those owes/negatives and you add what's left (positives) to your first amount of positives which is 7.

7- (-9)= + + + + + + +      - - - - - - - - - 
                                         + + + + + + + + +    (The highlighted part means that it is leaving.)

After that, you now add it together so : + + + + + + +    + + + + + + + + + = 16 positives or just 16.

Lastly, you add in your answers to the question.
7- (-9) = 16
have 7 remove owe 9 = have 16

Now, you'll see how I did the other questions. 



  1. Great scribe post, I was a bit confused with the concept but this helped me big time. You did it just right, you added detail but you didn't write a book unlike some people (We all know who this is)... Anyways, thanks for the post I really appreciated it!

  2. Great job on your scribe post. i really understood what you're explaining and your pictures help because there are verities in questions. also remember to add a video and a link to a integer game of some sort. great job!


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