
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Ian's Percent Post

A percent is an equivalent fraction out of 100/100

100% means everything or 100/100
To find 100% you need to divide the denominator by 1.

50% means half or 50/100
To find 50% you need to divide the denominator by 2.

25% means 25/100
To find 25% you need to divide the denominator by 4.

10% means 10/100
To find 10% you need to divide the denominator by 10.

1% means 1/100
To find 1% you need to divide the denominator by 100.

Representing Percents


12 3/4%

Converting Percents, Fractions and Decimals.

Converting Fractions to Percents and a Decimal.
To change 3/40 into a decimal, you need to divide the numerator by the denominator.
3 divided by 40 = 0.075
To make it into a percent, you take the 0.075 and multiply it by 100.
0.075 x 100 = 7.5/100 or 7.5%

Converting Decimals to a Percent and a Fraction.
To change 0.268 into a percent, you take the 0.268 and multiply it by 100.
0.268 x 100 = 26.8/100 or 26.8%
To make it into a fraction, you need to lay it out like this. 
0.268 The 1 is the place holder.
1 000 After this you need to make it into short term form so:
 268  =  134 =  67
1000     500    250

Converting Percents to a Decimal and a Fraction.
To change 750% into a decimal, you need to divide it by 100.
750% divided by 100 = 7.5
To make it into a fraction, you simply take 7.5 and make it into a fraction.
7.5 = 7 1/2

Combining Percents 
For example if  it's $75
50% OFF of $75 is $37.50
If it's 25% then 25% off the second day of $75
$75 x 25 = 1875/100 = $18.75
56.25 x 25 = 1406.25/100= $14.0625 or $14.07
56.25 - 14.07 = $42.18

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